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Yasser Arafat
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Yasser Arafat
The Cease-Fire That Never Was
November 3, 2000 |
Amb. Dore Gold
During Yasser Arafat's war against the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the early 1970s, the PLO was known to have reached 22 cease-fire agreements, each of which it subsequently broke. The understandings reached two nights ago between Regional Cooperation Minister Shimon Peres and Arafat were not even a formal cease-fire, but only an agreement for the reduction of violence. Yet it should not have come as a surprise that even this less ambitious agreement would fail.
A New Diplomacy . . .
October 17, 2000 |
Amb. Dore Gold
Whether the Sharm el-Sheikh summit succeeds or not, at some point the violence in the Middle East will subside, and Israelis will ask themselves where do they go from here. Today a growing majority of Israelis, including many disillusioned members of the peace camp, are stating that PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat is not a partner for peace. They are right, but implied in this view is that Israel has no diplomatic options for the future.
The Palestinian Provocation
October 3, 2000 |
Amb. Dore Gold
Every Israeli ambassador to the United Nations since the days of Abba Eban has been under clear instructions to keep the U.N. away from the issue of Jerusalem. So it surprises many that Israeli and American diplomats have been considering placing the Temple Mount, the most sensitive religious site in Jerusalem, under the control of the U.N. Security Council.
Hussein and Arafat – PLO and Drugs – Islamic Fundamentalism
February 12, 1986 |
Hillel Frisch
Michael Danby
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