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The Jewish State and Democracy
July 15, 1994 |
Prof. Eliezer Schweid
Communal Democracy and Liberal Democracy in the Jewish Political Tradition
April 27, 1993
This article describes the emergence ofliberal democracy, then compares and contrasts liberal democracy with communal democracy, showing the latter to be a prior form of democratic self-government. It then discusses the two in the perspective of self-government and rights, the two dimensions of democracy. Having given the United States as the best example of liberal democracy and Switzerland as the best modern example of communal democracy, it then goes on to explore the Jewish political tradition and how it is also an example of communal democracy. The article then turns to the crisis of modernity and the Jewish polity and how the modern commitment to liberal democracy won over a majority of Jews even as it posed problems for the Jewish polity, examining classical Judaism and pluralism, looking for accommodations between the two in the contemporary Jewish polity.
Communal Democracy, Modernity, and the Jewish Political Tradition
April 27, 1993
This article describes the emergence of liberal democracy, then compares and contrasts liberal democracy with communal democracy, showing the latter to be a prior form of democratic self-government. It then discusses the two in the perspective of self-government and rights, the two dimensions of democracy. Having given the United States as the best example of liberal democracy and Switzerland as the best modern example of communal democracy, it then goes on to explore the Jewish political tradition and how it is also an example of communal democracy. The article then turns to the crisis of modernity and the Jewish polity and how the modern commitment to liberal democracy won over a majority of Jews even as it posed problems for the Jewish polity, examining classical Judaism and pluralism, looking for accommodations between the two in the contemporary Jewish polity.
Democracy and Judaism: The Question of Equality
April 27, 1993
The Attitude Towards Democracy in Medieval Jewish Philosophy
April 27, 1993
Federal Democracy in a World Beyond Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism
November 1, 1990 |
Daniel J. Elazar
Does Israel have a Liberal-Democratic Tradition?
October 15, 1990 |
Benyamin Neuberger
Constitutional and Electoral Freedom
August 15, 1990 |
Daniel J. Elazar
A Democratic Safeguard: Israel’s State Comptroller
June 1, 1990 |
David Clayman
Early Warning: Identifying Potentially Genocidal Political Movements
December 1, 1989
Israel’s Democracy and Comparative Politics
October 2, 1989
Judaism and Democracy : The Reality
March 17, 1986 |
Daniel J. Elazar
Argentine Jewry Between Dictatorship and Democracy
December 31, 1985
A Surfeit of Democracy: The Multiplicity of Candidates and Party Lists in the Israeli Municipal Elections
October 14, 1983
The Role of Central Banking in a Democratic Regime
February 23, 1982
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