June 28, 1914: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. Austro-Hungary declared war on Serbia in July; Russia allied with Serbia. Germany invaded Belgium, Luxembourg, and France.
August 4, 1914: The United Kingdom declared war on Germany.
November 1914: Ottoman Empire Joined Germany (the Central Powers).
January 26, 1915: Encouraged by Germany, Turkey attacked British troops in an attempt to capture the Suez Canal, cutting British lines to India.
April 25, 1915: Gallipoli campaign, British ships attacked the Dardanelles; British, French, and Australian troops invade Turkish territory.

May 9, 1916: Sykes-Picot Agreement.

June 1916: Battle of Mecca launched the Arab Revolt.
April 6, 1917: U.S. Congress declared war against Germany.
October 31, 1917: British and Australian troops captured Be’er Sheva with the assistance of Palestinian Jews’ intelligence. The way was open for Allenby’s army to the coast and Jerusalem.
November 2, 1917: Balfour Declaration issued

December 9, 1917: Surrender of Jerusalem to the British. Allenby entered the city on December 11, 1917.

(Library of Congress)
April, 1918: Battles for Transjordan.
September 19, 1918: Battle of Megiddo. The British army pushed the Turks back to Damascus which fell to the British in October 1918.
October 30, 1918: The Armistice Agreement of Mudros signed, ending hostilities in the region between the British and the Ottoman Empire.