Message from the Editor:Ten Years since the Disengagement from Gaza Joel Fishman The Arab Attitude toward Israel’s 2005 Unilateral Disengagement:A First-Hand Account from an Israeli Insider Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser The Disengagement from Gaza: Understanding the Ideological Background Eyal Lewin The Disengagement: The Unanswered Question Nadav Shragai Innocence Lost: The Impact of the Disengagement on Religious Zionism Yair Sheleg The Etrog: The Media, the Courts and Prime Minister Sharon during the Disengagement Amnon Lord In Memoriam: Meir Rosenne (1931-2015) Amb. Zvi Mazel In Memoriam: Yehuda Avner: Our Shakespeare Isi Leibler Book Reviews Geoffrey Herman, A Prince without a Kingdom Rivkah Fishman-Duker Patrick Henry, editor, Jewish Resistance Against the Nazis Alexander J. Groth Michelle Mazel, La Maison du Pacha; Souvenirs d’une Israélienne au Caire (The Pasha’s House – Memories of an Israeli Woman in Cairo) Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld Tuvia Tenenbom, Catch The Jew! Yisrael Medad David Silberklang, Gates of Tears: The Holocaust in the Lublin District Dr. Laurence Weinbaum