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Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs (JCFA)

Strategic Alliances for a Secure, Connected, and Prosperous Region

Is Tahrir Square Coming to Ramallah?

Filed under: Fatah, Palestinians

Is Tahrir Square Coming to Ramallah?
Large crowds marched in Ramallah demanding the Palestinian Authority cancel sanctions on Gaza (Arab Press)

On the evening of June 10, 2018, in the center of Ramallah, there was a large demonstration against Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, calling on him to remove the embargo from Gaza that left thousands of Gazan workers unpaid and electricity cut off.

The question is whether, after recent demonstrations in Jordan, the Fatah government in the West Bank is also beginning to shake. In other words, is Tahrir Square in Cairo, the wellspring of the “Arab Spring,” which brought President Mubarak down, now coming to Ramallah? Sources in Ramallah informed us that this is clearly the concern of the Palestinian Authority. The demonstration against Abbas was supposed to be “peaceful,” “Silya,” but security officers in civilian clothing mingled with the crowd of demonstrators and inflamed the rioting. They also photographed the leaders of the demonstrations, and arrests are expected.

Behind these demonstrations were the leaders of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), who also instigated the “Return” marches in Gaza and organized other protests at the same time, with a similar demand – that Mahmoud Abbas halt his sanctions against the Gaza Strip.

The Dangerous NGOs Incitement

This all does not bode well for Israel. These organizations receive massive support from Europe, but instead of fulfilling their function of providing aid to the population under a failing regime, they are occupied with incitement against Israel and spreading hatred.

Even leftist terror groups such as the Popular Front, the Democratic Front, and elements from the Tanzim are involved with this network.

The question is if they will continue to organize demonstrations.

Apart from the subversive activities of the NGOs, there is a feeling of deep frustration among the Palestinians’ younger generation. Therefore, it’s easy to recruit them to these kinds of demonstrations. The problem is that these organizations, instead of encouraging Palestinian youth to demand their rights, just get them to increase their hatred of Israel.