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Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
Strategic Alliances for a Secure, Connected, and Prosperous Region

Germany and a Nuclear Iran

Contemporary Germany is personified by Chancellor Angela Merkel. In her famous address to Israel’s Knesset in March 2008, she declared that she would not refrain from “using additional, tougher sanctions to convince Iran to stop its nuclear program.”


Book Reviews for JPSR Fall 2013, Volume 25, Numbers 3–4

Book Reviews Wolfgang G. Schwanitz, Islam in Europa, Revolten in Mittelost: Islamismus und Genozid von Wilhelm II. und Enver Pascha über Hitler und al-Husaini bis Arafat, Usama bin Ladin und Ahmadinejad sowie Gespräche mit Bernard Lewis [Islam in Europe, Revolts in the Middle East: Islamism and Genocide from William II and Enver Pasha through Hitler […]


Iranian Strategy Feeds Off Perceived Western Weakness

Institute for Contemporary Affairs, founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation  Vol. 14, No. 12    May 1, 2014 With a further round of the nuclear talks between Iran and the West to be held in mid-May, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei continues to encourage the advancement of Iran’s nuclear program. While giving the talks a […]


The Abuse of Islam as Part of the Demonization of Israel

Introduction All we see in the Islamic world regarding Israel is clips of burning flags, rallies with “Death to Israel” slogans, prayers of destruction in mosques, cartoons depicting Israelis as bloodthirsty demons or villainized Jews in television series and the general indoctrination to hate Jews beginning from kindergarten: In brief, ubiquitous hate propaganda which is […]