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Radical Islam
Page 28
A Conversation between Ambassador Dore Gold and Barak M. Seener
July 11, 2007 |
Amb. Dore Gold
The Mecca Agreement served the function of not renouncing violence along with the generic demands of the international community. It also created a fusion between the alleged moderate branch of the Palestinian Authority headed by Fatah leader Abbas, and Hamas that maintains links with the Muslim Brotherhood. • It was precisely whilst the US was actively engaged in conflict management between Israel and the Palestinians that al-Qaeda was planning terrorist attacks. • Islamist organizations, like al-Qaeda, may raise specific political grievances at times from the Balkans, Chechnya, or Kashmir, but what empirically has really helped these organizations surge in strength is their sense of victory from the battles in any of these clashes. Withdrawal in the face of radical Islam only strengthens the present worldwide militant wave and empowers its adherents. • Recent apocalyptic Sunni and Shiite literature perceives the recovery of Jerusalem as a trigger to a new wave of global jihad. This doctrine predicts an imminent clash between the Mahdi – a Muslim saviour – and the Islamic antichrist, known as the Dajjal in the Holy City. Thus begins a new stage of worldwide violence extending to Rome and the entire West.
Israel’s Gaza Dilemma in the Aftermath of the War with Hizbullah
July 3, 2007 |
Dr. Yuval Steinitz
If one sees one’s adversaries storing rockets and conducting a massive buildup of forces, the first thing one should expect is for them to use those forces. What we see in Gaza is similar to what we saw in Lebanon. Israel withdrew from Gaza over a year go, uprooting all the Israeli settlements, and since then Hamas and other terrorist organizations have been rapidly building up their forces.
Why Israel Must Now Move from Concessions-Based Diplomacy to Rights-Based Diplomacy
July 1, 2007 |
Dr. Dan Diker
Once Israel dropped its past reliance on a diplomacy based on its own rights and adopted a new concession-based diplomacy instead, its spokesmen essentially acquiesced to the Palestinian historical narrative.
The Risks to Regional Security from International Forces in Gaza
June 24, 2007 |
Pinhas Inbari
Components of Domestic Security in the Age of Global Jihadism
May 31, 2007 |
Avi Dichter
The Growing Hamas-Al Qaeda Connection
May 17, 2007 |
Lt. Col. (ret.) Jonathan D. Halevi
The Growing al-Qaeda Presence in the Hamas-Controlled Gaza Strip
May 1, 2007 |
Lt. Col. (ret.) Jonathan D. Halevi
Holocaust Inversion: The Portraying of Israel and Jews as Nazis
April 1, 2007 |
Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld
Iran Is Building “Hamastan” in Gaza
March 11, 2007 |
Brig. Gen. (res.) Shalom Harari
President Bush and the Qods Force Controversy: Lessons Learned
March 6, 2007 |
Dr. Dan Diker
The International Implications of the Hamas-Fatah Mecca Agreement
February 15, 2007 |
Lt. Col. (ret.) Jonathan D. Halevi
Israel’s Deterrence after the Second Lebanon War
February 13, 2007 |
Maj. Gen. (res.) Uzi Dayan
Iran, Hizbullah, Hamas and the Global Jihad: A New Conflict Paradigm for the West – Executive Summary
January 22, 2007 |
Amb. Dore Gold
Can a Conventional Army Vanquish a Terrorist Insurgency?
January 1, 2007 |
Maj.-Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror
Hamas’ Determination to Perpetuate the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Critical Role of Hate Indoctrination
August 1, 2006 |
Justus Reid Weiner
Noam Weissman
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