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Page 29
International Law
Manfred Gerstenfeld on “Nur ein Durchgangsland”: Arbeitslager und Internierungsheime für Flüchtlinge unter Emigranten in der Schweiz 1940-1949
October 1, 2006 |
Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld
Swiss Policy toward Refugees Before, During, and after World War II "Nur ein Durchgangsland": Arbeitslager und Internierungsheime für Flüchtlinge unter Emigranten in der Schweiz 1940-1949 ("Only a Transit Country": Work Camps and Internment Homes for Refugees among Emigrants in Switzerland, 1940-1949) by Simon Erlanger Reviewed by Manfred Gerstenfeld
Choosing Religious Court Judges in Israel: A Case Study
October 1, 2006 |
Sharon Shenhav
Israeli rabbinical courts have exclusive jurisdiction over marriage and divorce among Jewish residents. In December 2002, the author was elected to the Commission to Appoint Religious Court Judges and was reelected to a second three-year term in December 2005.
Apologies for Holocaust Behavior and Refusal to Do So: The Dutch Case in an International Context
October 1, 2006 |
Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld
The issue of Dutch institutional and governmental apologies for Holocaust behavior came to the fore again with the unexpected apology of Dutch Railways to the Jewish community in September 2005. These belated apologies should be seen in a broader Dutch context. After World War II, many myths about crucial aspects of the Dutch Jews’ fate substituted for history. Currently, the Dutch government’s refusal to apologize to the Jewish community stands out even more.
Michelle Mazel on La tentation obscurantiste: Essai
October 1, 2006 |
Michelle Mazel
Michelle Mazel on Brother Tariq: Rhetoric, Strategy and Method of Tariq Ramadan by Caroline Fourest
October 1, 2006 |
Michelle Mazel
Rescue, Expulsion, and Collaboration: Denmark’s Difficulties with its World War II Past
October 1, 2006 |
Dr. Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson
Bent Blüdnikow
Hatred of the Jews as a Psychological Phenomenon in Palestinian Society
October 1, 2006 |
Daphne Burdman
Referral of Iranian President Ahmadinejad on the Charge of Incitement to Commit Genocide
August 27, 2006 |
Justus Reid Weiner
Amb. Meir Rosenne
Prof. Elie Wiesel
Amb. Dore Gold
Irit Kohn
Eytan Bentsur
Dan Naveh
Countdown to Conflict: Hizballah’s Military Buildup and the Need for Effective Disarmament
August 20, 2006 |
Brig.-Gen. (ret.) Dr. Shimon Shapira
The U.S.-French Draft UN Resolution on Lebanon: Strengths and Weaknesses
August 7, 2006 |
Amb. Dore Gold
Is a Sustainable Cease-Fire in Lebanon Realistic?
July 30, 2006 |
Prof. Gerald M. Steinberg
An International Force in Lebanon: Advantages and Disadvantages
July 25, 2006 |
Lt.-Gen. (ret.) Moshe Yaalon
Maj.-Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror
The Psychology of Populations under Chronic Siege
July 2, 2006 |
Dr. Kenneth Levin
The Politics of “Transmigration”: Why Jewish Refugees had to Leave Switzerland from 1944 to 1954
March 21, 2006 |
Dr. Simon Erlanger
The Improvement in Israeli-South Korean Relations
March 21, 2006 |
Dr. Yaacov Cohen
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