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Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
Strategic Alliances for a Secure, Connected, and Prosperous Region


Nadav Shragai

Nadav Shragai is a senior researcher at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. He served as a journalist and commentator at Ha’aretz between 1983 and 2009, is currently a journalist and commentator at Israel Hayom, and has documented the dispute over Jerusalem for thirty years.   His books include: Jerusalem: Delusions of Division (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 2015); The Al-Aksa Is in Danger” Libel: The History of a Lie (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 2012); the ebook Jerusalem: Correcting the International Discourse – How the West Gets Jerusalem Wrong (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 2012); At the Crossroads: The Story of Rachel’s Tomb (Gates for Jerusalem Studies, 2005); The Temple Mount Conflict (Keter, 1995); and the essay: “Jerusalem Is Not the Problem, It Is the Solution,” in Mr. Prime Minister: Jerusalem, Moshe Amirav, ed. (Carmel and Florsheimer Institute, 2005).



Chapter 5: The Meaning of Division: The Municipal Perspective

In December 2000, the then-mayor of Jerusalem, Ehud Olmert, considered the possible effects of dividing Jerusalem on the fabric of life in the city. He said:1 The problem is that the neighborhoods and villages in east Jerusalem have been integrated into the city’s fabric of life in a way that does not permit separation. It […]


Chapter 3: The Security Significance of a Division

The tremendous efforts that have been required of the state of Israel to keep Jerusalem united and maintain its Jewish majority have been aimed at realizing the Jewish people’s historical and religious right to the city. At the same time, from the practical standpoint, on which this work concentrates, an effort must be made to […]


Understanding Israeli Interests in the E1 Area: Contiguity, Security, and Jerusalem

Why This Study Was Written The Israeli building program known as E1 (East-1), situated between Jerusalem and Maale Adumim, has been on the Israeli and world agenda for twenty years. It is subject to a severe Israeli-Palestinian dispute and prompts strong international opposition. As a result, it has yet to be implemented.  On November 30, […]



Prologue 1. At present the Fatah movement is part of the Palestinian Authority. 2. A photo of the letter from December 3, 2000, found at Orient House, which in the 1980s and 1990s served as the PLO’s headquarters in Jerusalem, was  provided to me by Brig.-Gen. (res.) Shalom Harari, who also translated it. Harari, a […]


Jerusalem: Correcting the International Discourse
How the West Gets Jerusalem Wrong

The Holy City of Jerusalem is one of the most contentious facets of the Arab-Israel conflict. In this volume, Nadav Shragai, who served as a journalist and commentator at Ha’aretz between 1983 and 2009 and has documented the dispute over Jerusalem for thirty years, offers a fresh perspective that seeks to correct the international discourse on the future of the city.


Jerusalem Studies

Reports, analyses and discussion of the challenges facing Jerusalem.


Rachel’s Tomb, a Jewish Holy Place, Was Never a Mosque

UNESCO has declared that Rachel’s Tomb near Jerusalem is a mosque – endorsing a Palestinian claim that first surfaced only in 1996 and which ignores centuries of Muslim tradition.
Rachel’s Tomb never served as a mosque for the Muslims. It has been identified for over 1,700 years as the grave of the Jewish matriarch Rachel. The depiction of Rachel’s Tomb has appeared in thousands of Jewish religious books, paintings, photographs, stamps, and works of art.